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REDETAC is a collaborative network for the development and production of evidence on analytic-behavioral therapies. Its specific objectives are:

- to develop inter-institutional studies on analytic-behavioral therapies, through process-outcome studies, experimental studies with single-case designs, time-series research and randomized clinical trials;

- to develop studies of experimental models (with animals and humans) that contribute to the definition of mechanisms involved in the main disorders and problems of human behavior;

- to develop and systematize methods of evaluation and case formulation compatible with the selection model of analysis, characteristic of behavior analysis;

- to systematically develop and evaluate intervention protocols compatible with the idiographic perspective of behavior analysis;

- to develop and validate instruments for assessing and observing behavior in the clinical context;

- to develop didactic material for the training of behavioral therapists.


© 2018 

Inter-institutional collaborative network for research and development of analytical-behavioral therapy

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